Harry Birkholz

Entdecken Sie in dieser Bildergalerie unterschiedliche Arten bildender Kunst :

Acrylarbeiten : Nummer 001 bis Nummer 005

Gallery - Acrylic n°001 - click on the image

Gallery - Acrylic n°002 - click on the image

Gallery - Acrylic n°003 - click on the image

Gallery - Acrylic n°004 - click on the image

Gallery - Acrylic n°005 - click on the image

Aquarelle : Nummer 001 bis Nummer 044

Gallery - Watercolor n°001 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°002 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°003 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°004 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°005 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°006 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°007 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°008 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°009 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°010 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°011 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°012 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°013 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°014 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°015 - click on the image

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Kontakt und Infos

Gallery - Watercolor n°016 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°017 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°018 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°019 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°020 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°025 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°021 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°022 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°023 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°027 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°026 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°029 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°028 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°030 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°031 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°032 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°033 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°034 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°035 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°036 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°037 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°024 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°039 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°040 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°041 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°042 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°043 - click on the image
Gallery - Watercolor n°044 - click on the image

Hommage an den Rig Veda : zehn Bücher mit 1028 Zeichnungen in Bleistift, Buntstiften, Aquarell, Acryl oder Tusche ausgeführt

Harry Birkholz - Book 1.1
Book 1.1
Harry Birkholz - Book 1.2
Book 1.2
Harry Birkholz - Book 1.3
Book 1.3
Harry Birkholz - Book 1.4
Book 1.4
Harry Birkholz - Book 1.5
Book 1.5
Harry Birkholz - Book 1.6
Book 1.6

Harry Birkholz - Book 1.7
Book 1.7

Harry Birkholz - Book 1.8
Book 1.8

Harry Birkholz - Book 1.9
Book 1.9

Harry Birkholz - Book 1.10
Book 1.10

Collagen und Mischtechniken : Nummer 001 bis 005

Gallery - Collage n°001 - click on the image
Gallery - Collage n°002 - click on the image
Gallery - Collage n°004 - click on the image
Gallery - Collage n°003 - click on the image
Gallery - Collage n°005 - click on the image

Zeichnungen in Bleistift, Tusche und Pastell-Farben: Nummer 001 bis Nummer 015

Gallery - Drawing n°001 - click on the image
Gallery - Drawing n°002 - click on the image
Gallery - Drawing n°003 - click on the image
Gallery - Drawing n°004 - click on the image
Gallery - Drawing n°005 - click on the image
Gallery - Drawing n°006 - click on the image
Gallery - Drawing n°008 - click on the image
Gallery - Drawing n°015 - click on the image
Gallery - Drawing n°007 - click on the image
Gallery - Drawing n°009 - click on the image
Gallery - Drawing n°010 - click on the image
Gallery - Drawing n°011 - click on the image
Gallery - Drawing n°012 - click on the image
Gallery - Drawing n°014 - click on the image
Gallery - Drawing n°013 - click on the image

Fotos : Nummer 001 bis Nummer 007

Gallery - Photo n°001 - click on the image
Gallery - Photo n°002 - click on the image
Gallery - Photo n°003 - click on the image
Gallery - Photo n°004 - click on the image
Gallery - Photo n°005 - click on the image
Gallery - Photo n°006 - click on the image
Gallery - Photo n°007 - click on the image

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© Marianne Obozinski - All rights reserved - Kontakt : marie.zenska@gmail.com - Webmaster : www.guycuvelier.net